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What to Do About Loud Noise from Neighbors?

What to Do About Loud Noise from Neighbors?

Many people have probably encountered the problem of noisy neighbors who are loud and disruptive. Sometimes, you might decide to address the issue by talking to your neighbors directly. But, what if they react negatively or refuse to cooperate? YOOHOO is here to offer some solutions for dealing with noisy neighbors, so let's explore these methods!


How Loud is Considered Illegal?


Based on average measurements, the noise level throughout the day should not exceed 70 decibels. If your neighbors are making noise above 70 decibels, you can file a complaint with the Department of Environmental Quality at your local district or municipal office, and they will take action.


What to Do If Talking to Your Neighbors Doesn’t Work?


If you've already spoken to your neighbors but the noise continues, and even after informing the property management or neighborhood association, they deny being noisy or refuse to cooperate, you can report the issue to the police to have them issue a warning. If the noise persists after the warning, legal action can be taken under the Public Health Act B.E. 2535 (1992), Sections 25 and 26.


The court can order the neighbors to stop the noisy behavior, and they may be required to pay compensation for any damages caused (Civil and Commercial Code, Sections 420 and 421). Those who cause unreasonable noise that disturbs others may be fined up to 10,000 baht (Criminal Code, Section 370). If the noise continues after a warning, further  legal action can be pursued.


Legal Provisions to Know When Dealing with Noisy Neighbors


If neighbors are making noise, whether by talking, playing music, or hosting loud gatherings without a valid reason, it is considered a violation under various sections of the Criminal Code, as follows:


  • Section 370: Anyone who makes noise, causes noise, or creates a disturbance without a reasonable cause, thereby causing public alarm or annoyance, shall be liable to a fine of up to 1,000 baht.


  • Section 397: Anyone who harasses, intimidates, or causes discomfort or embarrassment to another person shall be liable to a fine of up to 5,000 baht.


If the offense under the first paragraph is committed in a public place or in front of a public assembly, or if the offense has sexual implications, the offender may be subject to imprisonment for up to 1 month, a fine of up to 10,000 baht, or both.


If the offense under the second paragraph is committed by a person in a position of power, such as a superior, employer, or anyone with authority over the victim, the offender may be subject to imprisonment for up to 1 month and a fine of up to 10,000 baht.


In summary, if you frequently encounter noisy neighbors and have already addressed the issue with them reasonably but feel that the problem isn't improving, you should report it to the relevant authorities for them to issue a warning, or you can take legal action. YOOHOO hopes that resolving the problem goes smoothly for you.

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